
The torch for this project has been passed to another developer, but continue reading for my initial thoughts on creating it…

My latest project is called OneFileCMS and, as its name suggests, is a one file content management system. Oh, my!


From the About page:

OneFileCMS is just that. It’s a flat, light, one file CMS (Content Management System) entirely contained in an easy-to-implement, highly customizable, database-less PHP script.

So what does that mean?

Let’s say you’ve got an old-fashioned HTML site. Traditionally, you’d make changes by editing your files in a code editor and uploading them with an FTP application. With my OneFileCMS (and other software like it), the two normally external programs are essentially put on the server; changing your site requires nothing beyond your favorite internet browser.

And installing OneFileCMS is as easy as downloading a zipped PHP file, editing it to have a unique username and password, and uploading it the root of your site. From then on, you (or your clients) can administer the entire site by accessing the newly uploaded file in your browser. No database or other files necessary.



Left to right: a branded index listing, a branded login page, and the default (unbranded) edit page.

Licensing and Credit

The project is currently free for personal use with a $20 suggested donation for commercial use, covered by a Creative Commons “Attribution Non-Commercial ShareAlike” License. I don’t expect to make much from it, but if I could come even close to breaking even with my web hosting, I’ll call it a success.

Written in PHP, XHTML, CSS, and jQuery. Icons by famfamfam.

So… What Are You Waiting For?

I’ve put a lot of work into this project, and I’m really happy with it. There’re tons more features and it’ll evolve as people give me input, so just go ahead and click one or both of these here links…

Demo: (Hosted by OpenSourceCMS)

Go! Go! Hold on… Go!

[edit] 9-30-09: OneFileCMS has been featured on WebResourcesDept:

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