
Here now, a quick script to count event occurrences* in real time, without resorting to archaic tally marks.

* What, you ask? Oh, anything, I suppose. Speech disfluencies, annoying sounds, the number of times I think about Dorito shell tacos every day, etc.



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An Auto-Updating Data URI Text Editor

tl;dr: Click this, type some stuff, watch the URL, and then come back if you’re curious as to what’s going on.

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Shipped to the Internet

Font: Carton

Posted on January 28, 2012 in Other. Comments Off on Shipped to the Internet


My girlfriend and I are at the airport. There are men in nice suits there, waiting for their flights.

“I want you to be so rich you can wear suits like those,” she says.

“I want to be so rich I never have to,” I respond.

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Seems Pretty Fair

You know you’ve made it when some shady bro has a budget of potentially three figures to clone something you’ve made. Continue reading

New Blog Theme

I’ve been meaning to update my blog’s theme for a long time. I’ve had this current (well, the one before the current) one going for 2+ years. That’s way too long!

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Posted on December 31, 2011 in Web and tagged , . Comments Off on New Blog Theme

tmpltr – a Realtime Tinkertool for JSON Templating

tl;dr: tmpltr is a jsFiddle clone for realtime JSON templating.

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