Make Your Own Bookmarklets With jQuery (Smashing Magazine)

I wrote an article for Smashing Magazine and it went live last night. It’s about writing JavaScript bookmarklets using the jQuery framework. Go read it! Your brain will get wrinklier.


[5/25/10] Another coder gent wrote a similarly titled but slightly different post on his blog, Latent Motion. A little confusing, but we’re cool and his article is worth a read too. The webdev community is interestingly smaller and closer than we might think it is.

Black People and White People Shaking Hands (dot com)

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Movie Monster

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Auto-Hiding “Back to Top” Link with jQuery

A common usability feature on a lot of sites is a “Back to top” link at the bottom of long pages, allowing users to quickly get back to the start of the document without scrolling. Continue reading


Hey! This site doesn’t exist anymore. It had a good run.

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Symposium Digital Posters

Heads Up: This post explains something I made at work for the sake of posterity; it doesn’t explain how to do it! (Vocational horn tooting.)

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PP4L (Pen Pals For Life)

I promise I’m working on actual things and will post about them as soon as they come to fruition. kthxbai.

WordPress Admin Toolbar Bookmarklet Update

I’ve updated my WP bookmarklet thing to support WordPress installations in folders rather than the root.


Posted on March 19, 2010 in Other and tagged , . Comments Off on WordPress Admin Toolbar Bookmarklet Update

Cat Vacation

Best security camera ever.

And OF COURSE they had food and water, you guys. I’m not a monster.

I Hooked Up My Scanner Again…

…and am not quite sure what’s going on…